Actually, one of the best cures for common lethargy is to be active. Instead of laying in bed, get up, dressed, and take a short walk. Walking invigorates the body, gets blood moving, and thus moves oxygen throughout the body.
If you continue to feel lethargic, you may be getting ill or possibly have a form of depression. Your family doctor can help sort out why you might feel lethargic.
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The correct spelling is "lethargic." It means feeling a lack of energy or enthusiasm.
No, "drowsy" is an adjective that describes the feeling of being sleepy or lethargic. It is not a verb.
feeling gross and like you're about to throw up. also includes feeling high energy at one moment and extremely lethargic at the next.
# Deprived of the power of motion or feeling; unabled 2 move # Dormant; hibernating. # Lethargic; apathetic.
In matters of health, when we say we have "no energy," it is usually a misnomer for feeling fatigue. There are many similar words, synonyms, for this feeling, among them: exhausted; weak; enervated, lazy, lethargic, lifeless, tired, dispirited, apathetic. In physics the term, "no energy" is synonymous with "no capacity for doing work."
(Lethargic means deficient in alertness or activity.)She refuses to take anything for her cold because cold medications leave her feeling dazed and lethargic.No one wanted to play volleyball at our family reunion because the heat made us worn out and lethargic.
Drowsy means feeling sleepy or on the verge of falling asleep. It is a state of being half-asleep or lethargic.
You should start with a visit to a veterinarian - mice are prey animals, so they will hide symptoms of disease until they are no longer able to pretend they are feeling fine. If your mouse is already lethargic, it is probably quite sick and in need of veterinary care.
"Lethargic" describes a state of extreme tiredness and a lack of energy or enthusiasm. It can manifest as feeling sluggish, drowsy, and unmotivated to engage in activities.
Lethargic is a word that means tired, lazy sluggish, so antonyms of lethargic would be energetic and active.
I feel a little lethargic today.