idk know i am not allerigec to wine but i do know once i get drunk i hit my wife and 56 boys and girls and my mom so yeah
yes the sulfites in wine or malt beer beverages are the same as the sulfa in antibiotics! I am extremely allergic to sulfa and drank one sip of a malt beer and learned the hard way. Always check the label before sipping.
possibly gluten or maybe sulfates even...but most likely gluten. I know wine has sulfates but not sure about beer.
Do you mean, can you drink wines processed with sulphites/sulphides? AFAIK, sulphate anion is relatively benign. If you mean what you actually asked, I believe the answer would be yes., as sulphates in wine (which generally don't exist anyway) would have no allergic rxn. I am not sure weather or not there is cross sensitivity between sulfa drugs, and sulphite anion. Careful on this one. Make sure you have your fundamental questions correctt before trying to answer them. Best of luck.
Nope just fermented alcohols like wine, cider and sparkling wine(champagne)
No, typically the sulfates are not harmful in wine and are found naturally in fruit such as grapes. However, if a person has an allergy to sulfates, they should avoid wines or other products with them.
Any wine can cause a headache, however - red wine is a particular trigger for migraines due to the amount of histamines, as well as nitrates and tannin that end up in the bottle. Some people find that white wines, with a much lower level of histamines, allow them to enjoy wine without triggering a headache. If it is the sulfates you are sensitive to, however, white wine has more sulfates than red wine. Some wines are marketed as low-sulfate.
Yes. People can be allergic to anything. Therefore, they can be allergic to brandy. Brandy, cognag, are distilled wine. If you are allergic to grapes, you may be allergic to brady
Yes. Some people can be allergic to wine. It can cause problems in their sinuses.
Alcohol that has been distilled should have the lowest amount of sulfates (in fact none if nothing else is added). Examples include vodka, gin, and scotch. Beer and wine will have the highest levels of sulfates as sulfates are a byproduct of the fermentation process.
Sulfur dioxide is added to wine as a preservative to prevent oxidation and inhibit bacterial growth, thus extending the wine's shelf life. It can also help maintain the wine's freshness, color, and flavor characteristics. However, some people are sensitive to sulfites and can have allergic reactions.
It could be an allergic reaction. The histamines in wine are very similar to those found in bee stings and can cause a mild reaction.