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It all depends on the type of gangrene there is dry, wet, and gas. Each type wet, dry, and gas has many different bacteria names/ symptoms. The most common is from open fracture bones. The bacteria grow in the bone marrow or the body's nerves areas also the surround tissues. It basically will slowly turn all your bone marrow into a liquid toxin in my case, leaving you worse than a paraplegic (or unable to move anything below the neck.). The bacteria slowly grow and multiply depend on hosts white blood cells defense against the bacteria, also depends on the body's ability to regenerate dead cells. Gangrene uses a toxin around the bacterias cell to kill and digest the bone marrow tissue or other tissues in the body. The toxin around the gangrene's cells is usually light green colored and over a matter of weeks changes your flesh's color starting at yellow it changes to green then to purple and after it kills your flesh the flesh changes to black. Once the gangrene turns your flesh black it spreads more rapidly because your flesh is dead and has no white blood cells left to fight back.

In my case I refused to have the big toe amputated and also the ankle a week later. They were able to reduce the swelling on my purple toe which was an inward open fracture compound. The main operation they used was cutting a slit in my toe and two doctors squeezed my toe, a green pussy liquid irrupted from the slit in my purple toe and the color of toe changed from bright purple to dark yellow. They were able to slow the grow of the gangrene infection with antibiotics and recommended on cutting the foot off at ankle. I was lucky to have been able to live 12 years so far but the doctors said if I kept the ankle it would be 10-20 years before the gangrene liquefied my bone marrow into pure toxin. 9 years after I refused amputation I began to get a stiff pain first hour of day in all my bones, the problem continues and gets worse on each passing day. I personally was so shocked by my diagnosis from doctors (if i kept the foot) that I forgot about the whole life threating part in till just recently.

Most cases of gangrene will kill the host in a matter of months also turning the flesh and skin around the bone and any other organs in its path into a green liquid hence its name gangrene. When ever you have a deep wound or mainly an open fracture bone break seek medical attention immediately because gangrene can be treated in the first couple of week with antibiotics. In my case I could not afford to go to doctor to see what was wrong and for 2 months my toe swelled and changed colors.

John Davis

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