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the heart rate would increase almost immediately by about 25 beats per min, reflecting the inherent rate (100 beats per min) of the pacemaking SA node

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Q: If the vagal nerves to the heart were cut what would the result be?
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Increased vagal stimulation would cause?

"Increased vagal stimulation would cause..." The heart rate to decrease.

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Excessive vagal stimulation can de caused by severe depression how would this reflect in a routine physical exam?

Low heart rate would be the most obvious sign

What if your heart had no nerve tissue?

Without nerves, the heart muscles would not contract, your heart would not beat, and oxygen would not be distributed through the body.

What happens to the heart rate with vagal stimulation?

Your heart is able to independently contract without nerve stimulation. However, frequency of these contractions if the heart was not innervated at all would roughly be 100 beats per minute. A resting individual does not need his or her heart to beat that fast to adequately supply blood to the rest of the body. So when at rest the vagus nerve (the branch innervating the heart) kicks in and slows these contractions down so as not to waste energy.

Why does sugar cure of hiccups?

Actually, it is not the sugar that cures the hiccups, its the swallowing that cures them. Well, the vagal nerve, one of the 12 cranial nerves that has control of glossopharyngeal is stimulated by the sugar, otherwise any swallowing of anything would relieve. James Hussher, MD

What is the affect on the heart if the vagal nerves to the heart were cut?

The vagus never innervates the heart and affects the SA node. Otto Loewi discovered that the vagus nerve through the action of Ach (a neurotransmitter) slowed the heart. So the vagus nerve can slow the action (or beating) of the heart.

What long-term effects on the heart would result from a damaged valve?

This causes the heart to make a gurgling sound that is called a heart murmer.

Is the heart a positive or negative RESULT?

positive because if it would be negative it would be way on another subject.

Does your hair have nerves?

no your hair does not have nerves or it would hurt to get a haircut

How does a human heart beat?

A Human Heart Beats Beacuse Of Blood Flow To The Right And Left Atricle and Upper and Lower Chambers Of The Heart. A more detailed and scientific answer would be: The human heart, as with any animals' heart, beats due to the brain sending an electrical impulse down the vagal nerve and through a nerve that is known as the "Pacemaker." This electrical impulse causes the heart muscle to contract, thus pumping blood through the body. The muscle contractions are what is known collectively as a heartbeat.

How does humans heart beat?

A Human Heart Beats Beacuse Of Blood Flow To The Right And Left Atricle and Upper and Lower Chambers Of The Heart. A more detailed and scientific answer would be: The human heart, as with any animals' heart, beats due to the brain sending an electrical impulse down the vagal nerve and through a nerve that is known as the "Pacemaker." This electrical impulse causes the heart muscle to contract, thus pumping blood through the body. The muscle contractions are what is known collectively as a heartbeat.