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This can vary a great deal. Each person's hair grows at different rates, and the hair itself has a lifespan.

A hair folicle produces a hair for a certain period of time, and the releases the hair, takes a break, and starts a new one. For some people, their hair will never get more than two or three feet long. We think of this as the hair growth stopping, but actually it means that for that person, this is the maximum length of a single hair before it is released. For other people, the hair can reach well over the length of their bodies.

At an average of one-half inch per month, a person who lived 70 years could theoretically grow 35 feet of hair but it's unlilkely the inidvidual hair shafts would last that long.

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Q: If never cut how long will healthy hair grow in a lifetime?
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It takes anywhere from 2-4months to grow your hair to 10inches. It is dependent on how fast your hair grows, and how healthy your hair is. It takes anywhere from 2-4months to grow your hair to 10inches. It is dependent on how fast your hair grows, and how healthy your hair is.

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because your hair is healthy?!

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They should grow the same as the rest of your hair. If your hair isn't healthy, your bangs will grow slow.

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Yes healthy food and water helps your hair grow homie

Does sweating make your hair grow?

you scalp produces natural oils when you sweat so it does make your hair healthy however i don't know if it will make your hair grow i guess if it's healthy it will grow (it does make you SINK though)

How does exercising help hair grow?

It is because You are being hygienic and active which makes your hair healthy and makes it grow.

Can hair grow in 24 hours?

Your hair is always growing you just might not notice it. Your hair on average will grow half and inch a month. But that verifies on how healthy your hair is.

This is an answer to are there any pills to make your hair grow faster you are ten and you have been using nisim shampoo and conditioner for 6 weeks and your hair has grown 2 inches but before your ha?

Nothing you put on your head will make your hair grow faster. Nisim is a good product to make your hair look and feel healthy and thicker and maybe help grow hair in places where hair may have fallen out, but it wont make your hair grow faster or longer. Eat healthy, veges, fruits and protien. Nothing you put on your head will make your hair grow faster. Nisim is a good product to make your hair look and feel healthy and thicker and maybe help grow hair in places where hair may have fallen out, but it wont make your hair grow faster or longer. Eat healthy, veges, fruits and protien.