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Q: If love be blind love cannot hit the mark?
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What does mercutio say about blind love?

If love be blind, love cannot hit the mark.

In romeo and juilet what does mercutio say about blind love?

Mercutio tells Romeo that if love be blind, it cannot hit the 'mark'. This 'mark' actually implies sexual pleasure, and he is therefore saying that Romeo will not have sex with Rosaline until their love is not blind...which it is, implied by Laurence later in the play (he speaks of young men being shallow (blind) and only loving women for their looks).

How can a blind person use their ears to see?

Blind people can "see" with their ears by relying on them to fill in the gaps caused by their lack of visual perception. For instance, while a blind person cannot see an oncoming car, they can hear it, allowing them to move away from the sound as to avoid getting hit. Blind people cannot literally see with their ears, no one can.

What does If love be blind love cannot hit the mark mean?

The popular saying is "Love is blind," meaning someone in love can't see the other person's flaws. Shakespeare is saying that if this is true, then the person can't succeed at love, either, because they "can't hit the mark" or hit the target.

Can anyone become blind?

yes i know a few people get hit in the eye with things all the time and something hit in both you would be blind

Can a hit in the head leave you blind?

A hit in the head can leave you blind. In some cases the retina can actually become detached. These injuries could lead to permanent blindness.

Can getting hit on the head restore sight?

if you are blind can getting hit on the head restore your sight

Why do blind girls attain puberty at early stage?

Blind girls don't hit puberty earlier then other girls.

How many home runs did mark mcguire hit in his career?

Mark McGwire hit 583 career hr's.

How many HRs did Mark McGuire hit?

Mark McGwire hit 583 home runs during his career.

Can stepfathers hit kids that are not theirs?

no they cannot. that is not their child so they cannot hit them.

When was Hit by Love created?

Hit by Love was created in 1994-08.