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if he rape you (you can claim that) then he go to jail

sex with underage, certain country did sent them to jail and you to juvenile school..

consult with local authority or caunsellor

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Dating is most certainly not illegal, but sexual interactions of any kind are HIGHLY illegal.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

It cud be becuz ur under the age of 18... as long as u guys arent doin "anything" then it shud b ok... Juz wait til your 18 to be safe

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Q: If im 17 and my boyfriend is 19 is that illegal?
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Your boyfriends birthday is in may and he is 19 and your birthday is in September and im 16 is it illegal to be dating?

Yes it is. Depending on the state, if your boyfriend was 17 it is still illegal to date.

Im 16 and pregnant and the dad is 19 is it illegal in KY?

hello sweetie. no it is not illegal as you are 16 years of age. i am 16 and pregnant to my boyfriend who is 19 but i will be 17 and he will be 20 by the time the baby is born.

Your 17 and your boyfriend is 19 you knew each other before it was illegal so that's why were still together we have sex alot im on birth control soo is this okay?

You already answered your own queston when you said "before it was illegal". If it is illegal, it is NOT OK.

Im 17 i will tur 18 in November and want to move in with my boyfriend who is 20 and illegal in the USi live in the state of Texas can the police interfere?

Yes, because he's illegal.

Im in the military at 18 and your gf is are 4 years and 5 months it wrongillegal to be with her its nothing sexual its just a relationship?

absolutley NOT, although its very illegal . its your own life, dont let anyone tell you what to do. my first boyfriend, was 19 and i was 14 he was in the marines, stationed at lejeune. although we had broken up. now im 16 going on 17 and i have a new boyfriend , and he is in the marines also , he is 19 :) completley nothing wrong

Your boyfriend is an illegal Mexican and im pregnant can he still live here if im pregnant?

No. Get married.

Is it illegal for a 17 and 18-year-old to be in a relationship?

no. not that im aware of.

Can your 17 year old boyfriend go to jail if im on welfair and im 16 and pregnant?

No you are both minors.

Im 14 and my boyfriend is 16 is that bad?

Being 14 and having a 16 year old boyfriend is not that bad.However, it may be illegal in some states.

Can your boyfriend go to jail if he s 24 n im 19?

No, you are both adults.

Can I move in with my 19 year old boyfriend if im 16?

No, you are not an adult at the age of 16. If you are having sex with your boyfriend then he is a child molester.

In Tx can your boyfriend go to jail for being with me while im 17?

only if you get pregnant