if u are currentley having arguments the man or woman must be cheating, your not meant for each other, or they are being stressed out.
couples who break up a lot should figure out what is the problem in their relationship or they should straight away breakup.
some people say when couples argue, it helps the relationship a lot more. but depending on what you're talking about, you can probably talk it out and promising not to yell at each other while you do!!! hope this solves your prob...
it can mean a lot of things. it can mean "go sit down" or in a relationship it can mean we should not be with each other for a while (a week or more... like forever). it is a nice way to say we are done
i think because he sees a lot of couples around him and he doesnt have a relationship
haha. awww, hate to break it to you hunni, but just cause the two of you argue alot , doesnt mean you like each other :)
ANSWER:.. gosh! just ask her. It's a lot better if couples do communicate to each others, unfortunately not all married couples rich, politician, or middle class have this relationship, not communicating.
People mean a lot to different people based on their relationship and personality.
To get along with someone means you are able to have a nice relationship with them, a friendly relationship, without a lot of arguing.
It means you are missing him or something in your relationship is going on that its making you think a lot about. It depends on the situation in your relationship.
I would say valentines day, because it is a day of love and there is a whole lot of people with couples, and also a very good day for making a relationship.
Using "a lot" to mean much or many is very informal. "Many fewer" is better.
This is a matter of opinion, and many people will have many different views about the subject. Many may argue that if you go out with a person you don't get to see a lot, you will not be able to bond as successfully and maintain the relationship.