"You mean a lot to me" is not the same as "I love you." He might love you or he might just consider you a very good friend. You'll have to ask to be sure.
It means that he has a lot of affection for you and that you are special to him.
That there is another woman on the side
I think he likes you.
If you have to ask then no he doesn't.
It means he cares a lot for you, but he doesnt share an emotional connection with you to the point where he wants to be with you for the rest of his life.
they lke or love u
he is playing gard to get and he must not love you.
It could mean either he's in love with her or he wants to sleep with her or its just a friendly I love you.
It could mean that he loves you, but it is more likely that he just wants to have sex with you.
a sign of loyalty.
you either over did something or you just surprised him.
Sounds to me as if he doesn't like you at all and wants to be out of your sight. Why would you want to stay with a man who glares at you and is mean to you in the first place? That's not love.