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My question is ... "Should she consider marrying you?" You say you love this woman who is pregnant with (I assume your child) but you find her sexually unattractive. This says a lot about who you are and what your true feelings are. Being pregnant is a beautiful thing and if you truly loved her you certainly wouldn't find her unattractive.

To be brutally honest with you, I don't feel you are mature enough to get married, but I do feel you at least owe support to this new babe coming into the world. Remember, it takes two.


If he is not as into you when you are pregnant or acting distant, why would you want to marry someone who isn't really there for you when it counts?

Yes. Beauty is fleeting and temporary. Love, caring, and respect are not.

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Q: If a man loves cares for and respects his woman but does not find her sexually attractive anymore should he marry her if she is pregnant?
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