Maybe but then he still might be making up his mind whether he likes you or not
Talk to him, hang out with each other. Get to know each other. If he is interested he will show it. If he ignores you, he shows no interest in you.
When a person that you like sometimes ignores you an sometimes they don't can mean a few things. It could mean that the person is busy or it could mean that it the person does not like you as much as you like them.
it seems like you (or the person) he showed interest in wasnt showing they were as intersted as he was so he decided to let it go
I wouldn't say hate, but he has no interest in you at all.
Sometimes, it ignores love. But there is a possibility that the couple whose marriage is arranged could last longer than those who think they marry because of what they called "LOVE'.
It seems they may not be interested in you as you are them. Its best to let them be as to not bother them and focus your interest elsewhere.
No, "ignores" is not an adverb.The word "ignores" is a verb, not an adverb.
It means he is immature and that the best way to treat him is find someone else. EXACTLY!! Move on.
u need to start making him no that u like him or he will lose interest
It means he REALLY likes you. Maybe even LOVE.