I have a ganglion cyst in my wrist. Ganglion cysts are not harmful at all- the liquid inside of them is not toxic and the cyst is usually flexible enough to fit around bones and veins around them (in fact, my vein actually created a dent in the cyst because the cyst developed under the vein; however, the cyst isn't strong enough to break or even move the vein). Ganglion cysts rarely hurt and never restrict movement. Left untreated, the only thing a cyst might do is grow and shrink, which is perfectly normal. A ganglion cyst won't become serious. The only reason one might want to get rid of cyst (whether by a doctor draining or performing surgery on it) is for purely cosmetic reasons.
A ganglion cyst typically does not cause pain unless it puts pressure on a nerve or joint. In some cases, pain or discomfort may occur if the cyst grows in size or is in a location that interferes with movement.
i have a ganglion cyst in my wrist, i had pain in my wrist occasionally and it hurt to move or push down on my wrist. i then noticed a lump one day and found out it was a ganglion. my ganglion cyst only hurts ocassionalyy
No. Garlic has no effect whatsoever on ganglion cysts.
I have a ganglion cyst in my wrist, and I personally know two people with cysts- one has a ganglion cyst on the side of her wrist and one has a ganglion cyst on the top of her hand. One can also get cysts in other places of the body (especially near joints), but I'm not sure if cysts in other areas are also called "ganglion cysts".
ganglion cyst
ganglionganglion cyst
ganglion cyst
it hurts
The ganglion is a cyst. It doesn't originate from one specific place, as it can be on any human.
The only risks for ganglion cyst removal are infections or inflammation due to the cortisone injection. There is a small risk of damage to nearby nerves or blood vessels