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Q: If a cell reverses the process of beta oxidation what molecule would it be making?
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A molecule becomes reduced when it?

Simply put, the process of oxidation is that of reacting to add oxygen. Carbon (C) burning in air (O2) to form Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is and Oxidation reaction. Conversely, the process of removing oxygen form a molecule is a reduction. When a lump of iron ore is heated with carbon, oxygen is removed and metallic Iron is produced and the Iron ore is said to have been reduced.

Explain the thought process you used to figure out the formula for aluminum chloride?

Al has and oxidation number of +3, Cl has an oxidation number of -1. For the molecule to be neutral these umber must cancel, therefore there is 3 Cl of every 1 Al. Making the formula. AlCl3

What is the name of the process of making a molecule?

A chemical reaction.

Does Oxidation form chemical bonds?

Oxidation involves the loss of electrons from an atom or molecule, leading to changes in its oxidation state. While oxidation itself does not directly form chemical bonds, it can change the reactivity of a molecule, making it more likely to form new bonds with other molecules through chemical reactions.

What is the oxidation number of NF3?

The oxidation number of N in NF3 is -3. Each F atom has an oxidation number of -1, and since the overall molecule is neutral, the oxidation numbers must add up to zero, making the oxidation number for N -3.

What is the oxidation number to N in N2O5?

The oxidation number of N in N2O5 is +5. Each oxygen atom has an oxidation number of -2, and since the molecule is neutral, the sum of the oxidation numbers must equal zero, making nitrogen +5.

The process of making an RNA version of a gene is?

The process of making an RNA version of a gene is called transcription. During transcription, the DNA sequence of a gene is used as a template to synthesize a complementary RNA molecule. This RNA molecule can then be used to produce proteins through the process of translation.

What is the oxidation state of sulfur in SO2 if oxygen is in the -2?

The oxidation state of sulfur in SO2 is +4. Since each oxygen atom has an oxidation state of -2, the sum of the oxidation states in SO2 must equal zero, making the oxidation state of sulfur +4.

What is the name of the process of making mRNA copt of a gene?

The process of making an mRNA copy of a gene is called transcription. During transcription, the DNA of the gene is used as a template to synthesize a complementary mRNA molecule. This mRNA molecule carries the genetic information from the gene to the ribosomes for protein synthesis.

What process is the first step in making a protein from dna instuctions?

The first step in making a protein from DNA instructions is transcription. During transcription, the DNA sequence is copied into a messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule by RNA polymerase. This mRNA molecule is then used as a template for protein synthesis during the process of translation.

Bessemer Process?

A steel-making process, now largely superseded, in which carbon, silicon, and other impurities are removed from molten pig iron by oxidation in a blast of air in a special tilting retort

What is a simple definition of the term Bacterial Oxidation?

Bacterial oxidation refers to the process by which bacteria break down organic compounds or minerals using oxygen as a terminal electron acceptor, ultimately producing energy for their growth and survival.