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I say that's up to you because if you don't like the way he flirts you should tell him or i could be more specific if he is mean around a group of friends

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Q: If a boy is one min nice to you then the next mean is he flriting with you?
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When a boy says i like flriting with you?

That could mean he likes you.. , but it also could mean that hes in that mood to fill you heart and then break it. Hope I helped. :]

You know that when a boy is mean to a girl hes crushing on her but what about when a boy is nice to a girl does he hate her or what?

When a boy is nice to a girl it doesn't mean that they hate them, they are just trying to be nice. Not everyone is the same and some boys will be mean to the girl that they like while other boys will be nice.

If a boy says ewww to a girl and was laughing and smiling is tht playfully teasing?

no, it is not. Basically a girl slaps the buoy who teases her is it flriting?

Which cocktail is more mean a girl or a boy?

If it is a girl then it is nice to boys if it's a boy then it's nice to girls

What does it mean if a boy is mean then nice?

it means that he found what makes him happy. its like a boy was mean just cause his bunny died. LOL but yes. if he can get it back he will be nice.-Pipinchek

If a boy askes you out and he was messing is it flriting?

it depends on your guys relationship. if you guys normally flirt than HECK YES. if he is just a joke than prob not

Kevin Jonas is a nice boy?

well he is not mean

What does your a nice boy mean in spanish?

it means the same

If a boy looked at someones legs and looked back at you does tht mean he is flriting?

depends how much he looks at you *from a guy's perspective*if he's next to you and your talking to him, try to see if he's looking into your eyes, i kinda have it bad missing info because i might be looking that deep *lol* but this is one of the easiest ways to pick up on if a guy likes you

What should you do when dating a girl?

When dating a girl. You need to be sensitive to the girls feeling and you have to take an interest in what she does. But a big no no is get roudy when she talks to another boy..but if a guy is flriting then you MUST step in and show that she means something to you! When dating a girl. You need to be sensitive to the girls feeling and you have to take an interest in what she does. But a big no no is get roudy when she talks to another boy..but if a guy is flriting then you MUST step in and show that she means something to you!

If a boy likes ya would he be nice to you and sometimes be abit mean to ya and nevever talk to ya?

If a boy likes you he will defiantly talk to he . yes he will be nice . and if he mean then you should know he dont mean it .

What does it mean when a boy treats you nice and no one else?

he likes you