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Yes, that is called vaginismus. As long as it doesnt take a long time to contract.

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Q: I sometimes feel hardness between my vagina and anus. Is this normal?
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Is it normal to have a white lump or bump in between the area of your anal and vagina its sore and itchy sometimes and it sometimes stings when you go to the loo and after its not a std as you are a v?

You may be experiencing a cyst or a pimple in that area, which can be caused by blocked hair follicles or sweat glands. It's best to have it checked by a healthcare provider to determine the exact cause and to receive appropriate treatment. In the meantime, keeping the area clean and avoiding tight clothing may help reduce discomfort.

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Not usually. Sometimes, there can be damage (for example from sexual abuse) from tissue tearing and a hole called a fistula can open up between the bum and vagina. This is a serious medical problem and should be refered to a hospital.

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What is vaganosis?

There seems to be a misspelling in your question. Perhaps you meant "bacterial vaginosis"? If so, bacterial vaginosis is a common vaginal infection caused by an imbalance of bacteria in the vagina. It can result in symptoms like unusual discharge and odor. It is usually treated with antibiotics.

Can spotting or period be dark brown?

Yes it can. The Vagina is cleaning itself out and old blood gets brown and sometimes even clumpy. It is perfectly normal and you don't need to worry.

Why is a female vagina shadow sometimes and sometime it's not?

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