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If you feel bad about it you can apologise.

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Q: I punched my best friend What should I do?
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What do you do if you punched your friend?

The best thing to do is to give your friend a heart felt apology. Let your friend know that you are truly sorry for what you did, and mean it from your heart.

Me and my friend got in a fight she slapped me so i punched her in the head now she wont talk to me what should i do?

Apologize and keep trying.

Should a best friend tell his best friend a secret?

Yeah, a best friend is someone that you should feel comfortable with.

This girl punched you and this guy punched her back for m does that mean he likes you?

maybe, it might be that he thinks as you as a friend and doesn't want you to get hurt.

What should I do if my best friend isn't my friend anymore?

You should just move on with your life and become friend with someone else and just that best friend that is not your friend anymore>

What do you do if your best friend is more pretty than you?

You forget about it. If she's your best friend then, how pretty you are and how pretty she shouldn't matter, it should matter that she is your best friend though. You forget about it. If she's your best friend then, how pretty you are and how pretty she shouldn't matter, it should matter that she is your best friend though. You forget about it. If she's your best friend then, how pretty you are and how pretty she shouldn't matter, it should matter that she is your best friend though.

What should you do if you feel like the third wheel when your best friend gets a new best friend?

You should talk to your friend about it trust me it will help.

What do you do if your boyfriend punched your best friend?

Break up with him immediately.or tell him you wont be with him if he dose it again.If - in your view - he had no good reason to punch your guy friend, then believe this: If he'll punch your guy friend for no good reason, someday he'll punch you.

Telling your best friend your dating a girl?

if they are your best friend they should understand

What should you gift your best friend?

Something that they like. Since they're your best friend you should know what they want.

You like this guy but he is dating your best friend what should you do?

just tell him and get over it you should feel happy for her she is your best friend

When a friend has another best friend. What should you do?

You should try to be friends with him/her. And treat him/her with respect.