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Q: I need to know.. What is the symbol for eternal life in love?
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Is there a symbol for eternal love happiness and long life?

Yes, each and every one of us till we die, we are the symbol to those around us, family and friends.

What color rose is the symbol of eternal love?

A red rose is typically associated with love and romance, symbolizing passion and eternal love. It is commonly given to express deep emotions and affection for someone special.

What is Monument of eternal love and passion?

Taj Mhal is a great symbol of the above

What is eternal life and love?

The only life and love that can be eternal is a life that is lived for God alone. He offered us that gift, as his dearly loved children.John 17:3Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.It is clear that a relationship with the only true God and Jesus Christ is the only way to live an uninterrupted forever true, changeless interminable life. It is he who is Eternal love, expressing that love not just in the eternal life he has given us through his Son, but also daily as he takes your hand and walks with you through every area of your life. And if you'll let him, if you'll turn your life over to him....John 12:25The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.He will live his glory though you and you and your life will be the glory of God. But make no mistake that through your salvation or through your eternal death, God will still be glorified. He is a great and almighty God.Will you receive this love today? Repent of your sins and receive the truth, the love and he eternal life that is yours.

How does the myth of baucis and Philemon illustrate nature as a symbol of eternal love?

The myth of Baucis and Philemon showcases nature as a symbol of eternal love by depicting the couple transforming into intertwining trees upon their death. This transformation symbolizes their everlasting bond and unity, which continues even in death. The trees growing from their graves symbolize the enduring nature of their love and the eternal cycle of life and rebirth in nature.

Why is sampaguita a symbol of eternal love?

Cause it can be use on a special occasions like weddings and it is fresh, fragrant and white that means in love

Why is the sampaguita a symbol of eternal love?

Cause it can be use on a special occasions like weddings and it is fresh, fragrant and white that means in love

What is the analysis of Pablo Neruda's sonnet It's Today?

It is the love eternal, love the L. When love lives love, it's on forever. Whi is love but living love's life with love. In the same vein is love's death love at all? Or is love the life love living with love's life. Pablo Nerudo does an excellent job at loving the death hands love life. The sleep in love's full-flowered existence is vain in living life's love in death. Loving life's brown love is eternal in the narrator's shadow of love's wind. Neruda's po0em expresses the song of love living life's eternal sand of love. That's basically it; it's Today is one of my favorite poems, and Neruda is one of my favorite poets. Hope I could help! -Stephen B.

Is the advent wreath a Christian symbol?

Though its roots may lie in pre-christian celebrations, the advent wreath is a Christian symbol of God's eternal love for all represented by a never ending circle. It is from this love that He became the man Jesus so that He could know us, teach us, and bring salvation.

When was Love Eternal created?

Love Eternal was created in 1982.

Why is the heart symbol of love?

The heart is the most vital organ in the body without it thier is no life this can also be said about love without love thier is no life, the emotion of love gives life meaning it create hope and evolves.everyday this is why the heart is the symbol of love because love is the heart of life.