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It's called felpudo in Spanish.

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Q: I love you with all my heart you are my forever love you are my soulmate im glad i found you i want to marry you and be a good wife and mother in spanish?
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How do you say i have found my soulmate?

"I have found my soul mate."

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Love hurts like hell, even when you've found your soulmate.

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you just found your soulmate.

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congratulazioni finalmente trovasti l'anima gemella

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Sometimes it is difficult to believe that you have found the right person. Don't rush into anything.

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im a cancer-leo and I have found my soulmate in a sag.

How do you know you have found your soulmate at first sight?

It's hard to describe. When it happens, you just know.

What do you do when you are sure you've found your soulmate but he is living in another country?

There is the internet, and the phone! MSN messenger? Get to know him better first.

What was Edward dying from when Carlisle found him?

Spanish Influenza (the epidemic at the end of World War 1). When Carlisle found 17-year-old Edward in Chicago in 1918, he was dying from the Spanish Influenza, which killed his father and mother (Edward and Elizabeth Masen).

What is the Indian saying that Jacob tells Bella?

From what I found, it means "Stay with me Forever" in Quileute.

You love your wife but you are not IN LOVE with her also you think you also may have found your soulmate what do you do there are children a house involved as well?

Well, how can you be in love with your wife when you're still trying to play the field and allowing other people to clout your judgement?(soulmate) You can fall in love again by giving respect and love. Your "soulmate" isn't your wife anymore, but the soulmate today problably won't be your soulmate in 5-10 years of kids and marriage either. Trust me. People ghrow tiresome. Stick it out with you wife and you'll probably have a true life partner. That's even better. You can grow old together and be good with God. Well, how can you be in love with your wife when you're still trying to play the field and allowing other people to clout your judgement?(soulmate) You can fall in love again by giving respect and love. Your "soulmate" isn't your wife anymore, but the soulmate today problably won't be your soulmate in 5-10 years of kids and marriage either. Trust me. People ghrow tiresome. Stick it out with you wife and you'll probably have a true life partner. That's even better. You can grow old together and be good with God.

What do you do with the tiny gecko you found?

keep it forever