vella hai kya English me bol de samajh jayegi
wo unpad hai kya??????????
To write "I love you" in Burmese, you would need a Burmese keyboard or access to the symbols. On an English keyboard you would type this "cifAsm;ukdu|efawmfcspfw,f." The Burmese keyboard is available at Burmese Dictionary online.
sa or saa? unsure! i know burmese, but i can't figure out the romanized spelling..
Absolutely not. Burmese pythons are actually semi-aquatic. A big part of their environment revolves around rivers, lakes & streams; they LOVE to swim and are very proficient swimmers., Burmese pythons are most definitely NOT afraid of water - THEY LOVE IT!!
nint ko ngar chit dae
A burmese is a breed of cat. There is also a burmese python.
The Burmese is a cat.
Medicine is called "medikuntza" in Burmese. Burmese is spoken by people from Burma.
"Inajēkaśana" is the word for injection in Burmese.
Burmese Python was created in 1820.
Burmese rupee ended in 1952.
Burmese rupee was created in 1852.