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If you are spotting in between periods that should be a concern for your doctor. you must seek out some kind of medical help, if not a doctor maybe someone in a walk in clinic.

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Q: I know im not pregnant it's imposible but im bleeding a little and it's not my period why?
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Can you still get your period while your pregnant?

Some women have bleeding while pregnant that they think is their period, but bleeding while pregnant is NOT normal and should be evaluated by an OBYN!

If you have negative pregnancy test with missed period and bleeding are you pregnant?

Unlikely - the bleeding probably was your period

You are having period symptoms but no bleeding could you be pregnant?

Even in the presence of bleeding, you could still be pregnant.

Can you get pregnant while bleeding or on your period?


Is it possible to become pregnant 2 days before a period?

yes you can get pregnant you can't get pregnant if your period is still bleeding

Can you get normal like period bleeding while pregnant?

You can't have your period while being pregnant. However, you can have vaginal bleeding frequently during your first trimester.

If you still get your period but no cramps can you be pregnant?

No, you cannot have periods after you are pregnant. You can have minor vaginal bleeding but it is not a full period flow.

Can you still be pregnant and have a regular period?

No. If you are pregnant and bleeding you should contact your Dr immediately.

How long after implantation bleeding can you tell if you are pregnant?

sometimes you can tell but you can be on your period and still be pregnant

How far along are you if a pregnancy test was positive and you're on birth control pills and your last real period was a month ago but you had a little bleeding a couple of weeks ago?

That little bleeding was probably implantation bleeding, I would guess you are about 4 weeks pregnant. ~pawsalmighty

Having bleeding 4 days before expected period implantation bleeding?

you might be pregnant

Can you have your period if you are one to two weeks pregnant?

No but you can have implantation bleeding