It's quite normal to have the urges to void just before going to bed. Some reduce the intake of liquids several hours before bedtime so as to avoid the middle night "calling" which interrupts the normal sleeping patterns.
If you feel this to be a problem, please consult your doctor or medical professional.
cause you wee
Because they can't control their bladder
Wee Willie Winkie runs through the town at night, wearing a nightgown and cap, while checking if children are in bed. He carries a candle to light his way.
Toke the majin and wee the man see.
with ur moma last night in her bed
He doesn't wee because he is a awesome alien who doesn't live in the time of toilets.
until i wee in my bed
Show him/her what he/she has done then put in cage or outside for just a few minutes then let them back in keep doing this and they will catch on.
No. It is concentrated, but urea is considered generally non-toxic, needing extremeley large amounts to cause damage. Far more than a hamster can produce.
where you put the wee wee pads on your knickers and you wee wee into them its like a nappy
yes because my dog noodles licks her anal all the time