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You need to see your heath care provider.

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Q: I haven't had my period in three months?
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You stopped taking the pill a year ago and you havent had a period in three months are you pregnant?

That's the most likely explanation.

Can you get pregnant if you have not had your period in 7 month's?

If you havent had your period in 7 months you probably need to go to the doctor, that is not normal.

You havent got your period in 4 months could you be perganet?

Yes you could be, or you might not be.

It has been seven months I havent gotten my period?

You may have lost a lot of weight

Havent had period in two months worried im 16 sure havent had sex.?

Periods come and go, I wouldn't worry to much :)

Why do you see systoms of pregnant for the first month and get period on the next month?

would you be pregnet if you havent had your period for 3 months now

If i gave up breastfeeding 3 months ago and you still havent had a period is this normal?

Yes, but you might be pregnant again.

Why do I feel olt of movement in my belly and havent had a period for 5 months but my home pregnancy tests are negative?

Go to doctor

Why has your discharge turned white you havent started your periods?

You'll have white discharge for about 6 months to 1 year, then you'll start your period.

Havent had a period for 2 months but not pregnant should you keep taking pill?

If you want to avoid pregnancy, you should keep taking the pill.

You are 29 yrs old you have a irregular period for 3 months or more if you get period which will be the days to get pregnant and how to get pregnant?

yes that's y u havent hed from her by some white dud

I finished clomid tablets 5 days ago when will i ovulate please help?

im on clomid d last 2 months have been grtting my period also which i havent got 4 a couple of months please help as my head is done in trying to get pregnant im on clomid d last 2 months have been grtting my period also which i havent got 4 a couple of months please help as my head is done in trying to get pregnant