How old are you? Go to your doctor, take a pregnancy test. It may be that you are underweight, stressed out, or age can affect period regularity. I have heard about women in their 30s going through menopause, it's rare, but happens.
56 days
take a hot shower or bath
The gestation period for harpy eagles is 56 days.
you could be pregnant
I'm 23 days late and still havent had a period i am usually on time I've taken tests but all of them coming back as neg wot is the matter with me
Sounds to me like you are just having a period and are not pregnant.
yes that's y u havent hed from her by some white dud
I dont think you can tell that your pregnant until your period due date or not. Wait 3-5 days and if you havent had your period after your due date, ask your doctor.
Emu eggs take around 56 days (8 weeks) to incubate.
Gestation is the pregnancy of an animal. In heelers it is usually 56-72 days.
i was on my period when i got my shot and it lasted for over 14 days. After it ended i havent had another period for over a year now.