spiritual meaning of a caterpillar - is spiritual potential, largely unrecognised, and can be something more beautiful. Means changes and growth can be made to make yourself into something/someone different.
Spiritual health refers to, are you a good person. If you do something to help someone in need then you are helping you "spiritual health".
They're native
Teaching or telling someone something they already know. Teaching or telling someone something they already know.
Well, evil has a lot of meanings in the spiritual world; it can mean if someone or something offends God or Jesus in a spiritual way such as doing lots of sins. In the non spiritual world, it can mean if someone hurts you in a cruel and unusual way.
No. A witch is someone who casts spells and celebrates nature. Just because you feel spiritual or sense spirits or whatever doesn't make you a witch.
No you can't, once someone has already written and copyrighted it, you can't
The phrase "Don't spur a willing horse" means not to push or encourage someone who is already eager and willing to do something. It suggests that unnecessary pressure or prodding can sometimes be counterproductive or even harmful to someone who is already motivated.
Break is already a verb. For example "to break something" or "to have a break from something or someone" is an action and therefore a verb.
tto get someone out of troible
Depending on the context, address is already a verb. For example, "to address something or someone" or "to address a letter" is an action and therefore a verb.
Influence is already used as a verb. For example "to influence something or someone".