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it'll go away in like a month or so.

but there will always be a scar.

if you use cocoa butter it fades better though

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Q: I had to have an abscess removed with a small incision last week and had a stitch in my mouth this was 7 days ago the stitch is still there but it is now in the middle of a hole is this normal?
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What are the risks of Abscess Incision and Drainage?

Occasionally, an abscess within a vital organ (such as the brain) damages enough surrounding tissue that there is some permanent loss of normal function. Other risks include incomplete drainage and prolonged infection

Should female cats have a lump around their incision after being neutered?

It is recommended to have your vet to take a look at it. It is not normal for a lump to be near the incision site.

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No it is not normal, you should go see your doctor.

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Colpotomy results are considered normal when the incision performed allows the surgeon to meet the goal of the overall surgical protocol.

What are the risks of an abscess?

scarring is likely to become much less noticeable as time goes on, and eventually almost invisible. Occasionally, an abscess within a vital organ (such as the brain) damages enough surrounding tissue that there is some permanent loss of normal function

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Normal results include uncomplicated healing of the incision and successful maintenance of long-term tube placement.

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Treatment for an abscess typically involves draining the infected area, either through incision and drainage or aspiration of the pus. In some cases, antibiotics may also be prescribed to help clear the infection. It is important to seek medical attention for proper evaluation and management of an abscess.

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It is not normal for your lip and chin to still be numb 3 weeks after having an abscess in a tooth. This could potentially indicate nerve damage and you should see a dentist or healthcare provider as soon as possible for further evaluation and treatment.

Is it safe normal delivery 4 years after cesarean section?

Most of the time yes. The only way it wouldn't be is if the incision on your uterus was vertical instead of horizontal.

Is it normal for a cat to be puffy after being spayed?

Yes it is... around the incision. Usually it will go away.If it doesn't go away in a few days, call the vet.