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Q: I feel like i am being shocked with electricity from my head to my toes?
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He felt a real sharp pain in his head

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Static electricity.

What do you do if you think you mom is having a baby?

my mom told me and i was shocked i have a brother and i am worried she wont have time for me so i try to think positive but i still have that thought stuck in my head so think positive and ask your mom and tell her how you feel i know how you feel i am still lost my mom hasn't had it yet.

Is the rid lice shampoo effective?

yes i had lice before and it shocked me when i had it but the i bought this shampoo and it worked it took it out woke up the next day and didnt feel like i needed to scratch my head it also came with this weird comb

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Mrs. Caroline was scared and shocked when she saw the blood-stained knife in the kitchen. His son had cut himself accidentally while trying to cook.

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I would support my family and hold my head up high.

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Probably pretty rotten

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They feel emotional pain for so long that they prefer to feel a physical pain that is tangible, rather than always being in their own head. because they are emo

What is a name when you rub your balloon on your head?

Statis electricity

Is Sarah a nush head?

Yes, Sarah is a nush head. EXPESSICALLY! if her last name starts with a D. Honestly, i feel that Sarah, being a nush head balanaces our soicety as we know it today. She also is referred as a mongoloid aswell !

Do people shake their heads to mean yes?

If the person is shaking their head left to right it means "no" or it means they are shocked; however, if they are nodding their head up and down they mean yes

I want to get electrons onto my head making my head negatively charged. How could you do this It would probably have to involve electricity...maybe static electricity?

simple, dry your hair to the extremely...then take a comb and rub it against your head