If you still loved someone you wouldn't hurt them by saying you didn't. either way your a fool and I don't think they will ever believe you love them from now on.
Sometimes if a person feels hurt by you or is mad at you they will say things that they do not mean. Many times it is hard to undo the damage and you really have to know that person well in order to figure it out. Actions do speak louder than words. If he/she shows that he/she loves you and does not consistently say that they don't love you, I would give that person a chance to prove himself/herself.
Nope.. :( i dont know why, i didnt do anything to him.
well, that happened with my boyfriend. He thought I was cheating on him. And he broke up with me. I kept telling him that I didnt cheat on him and I swear on my life that I didnt. And then I had a massive break-down and he ended up believing me. Tell him that you swear you didnt cheat on him and tell him you love him and want him back. If you dont tell him the truth, he will never trust you, belive you.. even worse.. love you. Tell him, sit him down to explain that you want him back.
tell them. and if they dont feel the same then move on. trust me i was dating a guy for 2 years and i still loved him but he didnt feel the same for me. & now i found a better boyfriend that ive been dating now for 2 and a half years. love takes time.
Drop her.
No just date the things you like about him.
probably not. unless during the fight you told her u didnt love her lol. that never helps
you think you can forgive him or you belive you still have a chance. however if you dont feel anything for him tell him you dont and he will move on.
dont marry him if you dont love him. you would just be leading him on, nothing can good can come out of this whatsoever!
He may be worried you dont like him anymore or asking if you still do
you just say look I'm not interested in you but would still like to be friends
well if they really love you they will most likely break up with there boyfriend or girlfriend but if they dont they dont really love you!
Nah i dont think so.