Very common. Until you are more experienced with dating and feel comfortable around the opposite sex, you may feel very shy about showing any type of vulnerability, and that includes eating and drinking because of the possibility of looking "foolish" while doing so.
Nobody says you cant... but always remember... sharing is caring !
eat him
You may feel uncomfortable because you feel self conscious about yourself and you think that your boyfriend will think you are a pig if you eat in front of him. My advice to you is to realize that if you do not feel comfortable eating in front of your boyfriend, you need to address this problem or risk the full relationship. If you can't eat in front of your boyfriend, chances are you may not be compatible. Love is supposed to feel good, and if you are anxious about this you should talk to your boyfriend about it or just tell yourself that it is OK for you to eat in front of him. If he won't let you eat in front of him, then the chances it will be a serious relationship are slim to none.
You should het him somthing that resembles your relationship, or somthing that he cant eat! Get him somthing like cologne. Or perfume, whatev.
because then he cant see your face and its easier to be flirty, plus your not in front of otherrss. good luck with the boooyfrand.
HE DOnT NOT CARE, I REPEAT HE DONT NOT CARE....he himself said it annoys him when a girl cant eat in front of him yep that is what he says...he likes a girl that can eat
You cant tell who your boyfriend is because it just happens.
you cant love is love
You cant.
you cant
Then you need to find a new boyfriend.
what cant a fisher eat