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You may just have had spot bleeding. This occurs from time to time. Don't worry about it. Wait and see what your next month's period is like. If it is the same situation, consider seeing your doctor. If you have had unprotected sex, you could be pregnant. Wait a few weeks and take a home pregnancy test, or see your doctor for more information. Note from the Author:This answer has been provided by a medical professional, but not a medical doctor. The advice or answer located above should NOT take the place of your primary care physician's medical advice. Furthermore, this answer has been provided in accordance with WikiAnswers and disclaimers and policies. Do not reveal personal information within questions, as this is an anonymous service. In an emergency, get off the computer and dial 911 or your local emergency number.Contact your physician's exchange (usually provided through his/her office number) if you have questions or concerns after business hours. The author of this answer is not responsible for misguided or misinformed attempts to follow this advice. ALWAYS ask your doctor if you have questions or concerns about your or your child's health and do not use WikiAnswers as a substitute for proper medical advice and care provided by your personal physician.

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Q: I came off the pill 4 months ago and have had semi normal periods. but this mont it was early and lastedabout 15 mins is this normal?
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Hey im 12 and i got my period twice disz month n sumtimez i get it early i just got mi period a few months ago about 8 is daht normal?

:-P I'm a lad but my... "Talk" in school included girls... If you are in the first few months of having periods it might be irregular... That's all I know tho

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Sometimes - if you have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) you don't have regular periods at all unless you are on medication (Birth Control or glucophage). It seems to early for menopause. I would go see a doctor.

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Yes, that is normal. Everyone starts leaking at different times in pregnancy. i was pregnant with twins and started at 5 months. but i think most people start about 7-8 months pregnant.

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The first few years periods can be all over the place early one month late the next. Perfectly normal.

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Sounds like a hormonal problem. If you've always had regular periods that is. If you haven't and just started it can be normal. if you are older than 35 it could be an indication of perimenopause or early onset menopause. You should go see a doctor to make sure everything is fine.