I am a types of fungus that grows around your toes and may well be one of the best known fungi, tinea pedis or athletes foot. It is contagious and requires attention sooner, than later.
The type of fungus that grows horizontal to food source are said to be heterotrophic. Such fungus do not process their own food.
Fungus gardens
A type of fungus that grows on Mahoe trees
yes as it grows at night and on rotting tress etc
none, but there is a type of ant which eats the fungus that grows on leves called the leaf cutter ant. they cut the leaves, drag them to a colony, do some stuff to it and grows fungus on it. they eat that fungus.
Lingzhi (also known as Reishi) is a type of fungus that grows on trees.They are found in China,and they are used as medicinal herbs in China.
"Brain fungus" is a term used in the video game "The Last of Us" to reference a fictional fungus called Cordyceps that infects humans and takes control of their minds. In real life, Cordyceps are a type of parasitic fungi that mainly infect insects.
A mushroom is a type of fungus and belongs to the Fungi Kingdom. A mushroom uses energy, reproduces, grows/develops, and is composed of cells. All living things are characterized by the previous.
Wheat rusts "eat" wheat. It's a type of fungus that grows parasitically on wheat and related plants.
Something ugly that grows on your feet is a verruca. A verruca is a type of wart. Something else that can grow on the feet and is ugly is a bunion.
lsd is a chemical derived from alkaloids which is from a fungus and that grows on rye It was discovered and used in the sixties after being taking from a lab.