It depends on whether you are 13 or 33
If Theresa's age is 23 and you add on another 10, the answer is 33.
33 years is greater than 3 decades which is equal to 30 years
Noooooooooooo! He is older than he looks, he is 33 this year
Emily Joyce is 51 years old. She was born on April 12, 1969.
Adolf's wife, Eva Braun, was 33 years old when she died.
Leo must be 18. If Leo is twice as old as martin and three times older than mike and the sum of the ages is 33, then martin would be 9 and mike would be 6, making Leo 18.
Eva Braun, who Adolf Hitler married just the day before they died, was 33 years old when she died. (born February 6, 1912) Hitler was much older (56 years old). Both committed suicide on April 30, 1945 as the Russian Army was pushing into Berlin. She bit into a cyanide capsule and Hitler shot himself.
As of 2012, Andrew Lee Potts is 33 years old (October 29, 1979). His girlfriend /partner, Hannah, is 31 years old.
The two are not comparable. Hinduism is a religion that is at least 3500 years old if not older. Jesus was a human being who lived for 33 years according to the New Testament.
At the beginning of the Fellowship of the Ring Frodo is 33 years old, which is the "coming of age" age for Hobbits. So he would seem older in our eyes than to another Hobbit. Nevertheless he is an adult.