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NO, as long as you aren't doing anything inappropriate in front of the kids. You're and adult of course your boyfriend can stay over, without you losing your kids.

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Q: IF You are divorceD can you lose custody if my boyfriend stays over?
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Can a mother lose custody is she is living with a drug addicted boyfriend?

Yes she can unless she makes him leave. He can be considered a danger to the child.

When do mothers lose custody of their children?

when or why? Mothers will lose custody if they are found unfit by a family court

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Can you lose custody if you lose your home?

Not if you move to a shelter or stay with relatives/friends. As long as you make sure your kids are safe and cared for you will not lose custody.

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Perhaps you are afraid of commitment, or perhaps you think that you will lose him if he is divorced and feels free to date more widely?

Will a mother lose custody of kids if she lives with boyfriend in NJ?

She can live with whoever she chooses to as long as that person or people are not endangering the kids in any way or make the home inappropriate for them.

What are the chances of mother losing custody to father if she has possession convictions theft convictions and DUI of substance convictions?

The chances are good that she will lose custody. Whether custody is granted to the father depends on whether he is capable of providing a safe stable environment.The chances are good that she will lose custody. Whether custody is granted to the father depends on whether he is capable of providing a safe stable environment.The chances are good that she will lose custody. Whether custody is granted to the father depends on whether he is capable of providing a safe stable environment.The chances are good that she will lose custody. Whether custody is granted to the father depends on whether he is capable of providing a safe stable environment.

How does a mother lose her child in a custody battle?

If she is found to be unfit or addicted to drugs she could lose custody. Additionally, if she refuses to give the father visitation the judge could find her in contempt and change custody to the father.

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What happens to a temporary custody order if you never go back to court for the original custody case in Kentucky?

if you are not there for the original custody case you can lose custody. The temporary is just until the court decides who gets custody.

Can I lose alimony if i moved my boyfriend to my house?

You can lose spousal support if your boyfriend moves in with you. It is up to the courts to determine this.