

Best Answer

you're suffering from sleeping disorder. read this article it will help you

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Q: I'm always tired but can never sleep?
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Yes. Im Tired

I have a headache but i have to stay at the computer and im at school what can i do to get rid of it i think its because im tired?

It could be due to to you being tired, your brain cells just want to shut down if you didnt get enough rest. When you don't get enough sleep your body wants to shut down and sleep. You have a headache because your brain is tired and you need to sleep. When it's time for you to go to sleep you should sleep.

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13 and always tired I am always tired and sore. Im very active. I have had this for over a year now and never really had a concern for it. Lately ive been feeling worse and worse?

It could be a lot of different things. You should go see your doctor.

Im 12 and why am i always tired Please help?

It is generally not normal to always feel tired, especially if you are a teenager. You should consult a doctor.

You have till the 12th to start im sick on and off especially in the car im so tired there are times you cant sleep but really tired my nipples are darker can you be pregnant?

sounds like yes, see a doc

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idk nor do i care leave me alone im hella tired and ready to go to sleep. -___-

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Im am so tired i could sleep a year.

Why are you tired all the time?

because i smoke so much weed my high drains all my energy du to my heart beating fast so when im coming down i usually go to bed and wake up tired cuz im still draind and since i smoke everyday im always tired.