This fluid is know as colostrum and happens as the body prepares for the birth of your baby.
I am not pregnant and i am not on birth control pill and have clear fluid coming from my nipple what can cause this symptom?
Early milk called colostrum.
It might. Call your doctor and ask. if you are leaking fluid the baby might not have enough inside.
it means ur gonna have a ranga
Clear Vaginal Mucus
The phrase "my water broke" refers to the rupture of the amniotic sac surrounding the fetus in the womb. This typically happens as a sign that labor is starting, as the amniotic fluid begins to leak out. It is a signal that the baby is on the way.
Antifreeze? Water pump?
It's probably tranny fluid, Power steering fluid is usually clear.
If the fluid is now running out, then yes you broke something.
Transmission fluid leaked out of car very fast. After hitting large rock. Could it be the transmission pan is broke? That is a possibility
The better question is what is leaking transmission fluid?