

Human body water

Updated: 9/13/2023
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12y ago

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80% some people will say 70% but technically its around 77.5% so if you round it up its 80%

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The average human body is made up of about 60% water, so 50% of a human body would be about 30% water.

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Water usually makes up 55% to 78% of the human body

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A lot... The body is 75% water.

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The human body is mostly water by weight.

What is the human body mostly made of?

The human body is mostly water by weight.

Wha is the percentage of water in the human body?

the human body has anywhere from 55%-78% of water in their system, depending on the person.

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There is oxygen in the body which is lighter than water thus the body rising up to the surface of the water

What percent of the human body of water?

70% water

Why water does not enter human body during bathing?

Human skin is not permeable to water hence water can't enter body through skin .