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That is a ridiculous question to ask. Your mom will only pay attention to you if she truly loves you. No one can make your mom love you/pay attention to you. If you wait for it, she will pay attention to you. Trust me. She will.

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Q: How your mom get to your attention?
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Be very good and helpful and your mom will give you attention!

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wait. or it is considered rude and she might get mad at you

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Shake what your mom gave you. Otherwise known as butt.

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take care, and my love for all [of you]

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he was to busy paying attention to your mom in bed then to worry about growing.

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Because it misses its mom, but it will grow out of it.

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It isn't a question of mom or dad. What babies need are love, attention, nuturing, care, and food. Both parents can offer all of these needs.

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I hope your mom has gotten medical attention by now. You should have given aspirin 325 mg., not advil. Blessings and I hope she is OK

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yes its bad but just do the same to her and maybe shed notice

Is it ok when your step mom wants you to kiss her feet?

If you have a foot fetish, go right ahead. She just wants attention, and this is how.

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