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Simple. There are many ways to find out.

1. Ask her friends. If they don't know, ask them to ask her.

2. Note the way she acts around you. If she acts like she giggles at everything you say and gets nervous, she may be in love with you. This fat chick in my class likes me and I don't, but I used to sit with her and she would laugh at everything I said and always wanted me to sit with her. When I moved my seat one day permanently (Thank God), she just got up angrily and moved closer to me. It was really awkward, but, long story short, just notice the way she acts around you.

3. THIS SHOULD BE A LAST RESORT. Just ask her. If she really loves you, she'll most likely say it. If she doesn't, then maybe you thought too far, but, she still might. Just keep noticing her and you'll find out. It only took me a week before I found out that fat chick likes me, and now I always make fun of her. Bitch.

Good luck, stay undercover for a bit, blah blah blah, what are you waiting for, go to her!

~ Okay yeah so I'm a girl. Girls have different personalities so not every girl is them same. With me, I NEVER tell people who I like (lol that's just me). If a girl loves you, she will want to be around you. She also will look at you A LOT, usually. She will want to talk to you and stuff like that. You could also ask her friends because most likely they will know. If you have done all off those JUST ASK HER! Most girls aren't mean and won't laugh at you. If they don't like you, then it's their lose.

But be aware, LOVE is a STRONG word! Don't tell the girl you love her because that might freak her out, if you've never even talked to her.

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  • she will have a booby boner.
  • she will look at you and stroke her nipples.
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Q: How you know that she loves you without asking?
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If you're asking that he probably does. You should ask him though, I don't know you or him personally or at all really.

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Speak to one of his friends or write his a letter just saying hello, swap numbers anyway of contact which is not face to face will inprove his confidence so he will be more honest about his feelings for you!

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I do not know what you are asking... Please, rephrase your question.

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If they go out of their way to make you happy and make you smile. If they say that they love you. Ask them. If you can't tell that someone loves you, simply asking them could be your answer.

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You can't. The only way to know is for him to tell you.

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You will get signs from that person, like hanging out with you too much, or asking you personal questions, or the one I hate, asking if that person can come over and hang out with you in your room. Ughhh, i hate that one. But, just look at the signs. If somebody loves you, then they will tell you.

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