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In order to know if someone loves you especially a guy they would be competely genuine with it. If he looks into your eyes. Listen to you but before you can love him back and before you know if he loves you back. You guys have to be bestfriends like as in friends not just someone you met. Love is patient and kind you would know if he really loves you. There would be signs to show if hes caring or not.

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16y ago
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14y ago

You can really tell when you're boyfriend loves you is when :

  1. He holds your hand w/o permission
  2. Doesn't kiss you until your ready
  3. Calls you beautiful
  4. Gives you compliments
  5. Chooses you over his friends
  6. Tells you he loves you constantly
  7. Has never lied to you
  8. Calls you after he gets home
  9. Takes you out to dates (him paying)
  10. He buys you something special that ONLY you would like
  11. If you get him something he'll wear it everyday
  12. holds your hand in public
  13. and kisses you in public
  14. You know his parents
  15. He knows your parents (some exceptions)
  16. Says your beautiful without make up
  17. Lets you win the fights
  18. Prefers to kiss you on the cheek then the lips
  19. Never looks at other girls
  20. and does things you like even though sometimes they are stupid

For all girls out there I want you to Grab both your boyfriend's hands and

look into his eyes and ask him 1.Do you love me? If they say yes you say 2.

If I were to walk away at this moment would you chase after me? If they say they

will test them and walk away.If they didn't chase you they didn't love you in the

first place they LIED!! :D Thank you

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11y ago

how do you know a man love you are not

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We'll if a man loves you then he will show it... But if he doesn't he may also show it..... But you may have to catch him in a lie to prove it... if a man really loves you he willl let the world know if he really don't love you he wouldn't want to be seen in public with you or anything... Let him know how you feel...If he doesn't feel the same way let him go... There's someone else out in the sea for you....But if he really don't love you...Believe me you will know....I DO....And this is ecatlly how i figured it out...TRY IT!!!!!!!

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