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Hypertension is essentially high-blood-pressure. (HBP) The best way to monitor is to test their blood pressure about an hour after taking their medication and then later on during the day to make sure it is in normal range. It can be too low after taking their medication or too high if the medication isn't working right. People whose blood pressure is too high appear to be red in the face and neck region usually. Taking the right medications and eating a diet recommended by their doctor is the best way to control HBP.

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Q: How would you monitor someone taking medication for hypertension?
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The basic treatment options for hypertension are Life style changes which includes weight loss, taking healthy foods, proper exercise etc. Taking medication for hypertension depends on its severity.

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Grapefruit does NOT cause hypertension (high blood pressure) however, if a person already has hypertension and is taking medication for it, they should check with their doctor or pharmacist before eating grapefruit at the same time they take their medication because grapefruit can interfere with how some medications work.

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Hypertension is high blood pressure and there are many health conditions that can cause this. It is important to know that often there are not any symptoms of hypertension. Stress is often a big cause of high blood pressure and also any medication you are taking can cause it.

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That is a question that only a doctor who knows what medications someone is on can answer. Where anyone is taking medication for more than one condition, a doctor should be informed that someone is taking medication for one of them and they can usually decide what is the best combinations of drugs.

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Absolutely.. I would speak with his doctor about this, he could monitor him closely or even change his prescription to one less habit forming. There are also ways of coping with depression without taking prescription medication, never stop taking medication without consulting you doctor.

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Diagnosis is provided for health problems not medication. Are you looking for side effects of the drug or a reason someone would be taking the medication? Amiodarone is used for an irregular heart beat.

What is the blood pressure of someone with schizophrenia?

Someone with schizophrenia who wasn't taking medication would have the same blood pressure as anyone else (112/64).

Can you drink alcohol while taking this medication?

It is not recommended to drink alcohol while taking this medication.

Can I take xanax with Aleve?

If you have a prescription for the Xanax - otherwise you are taking your life in your hands playing around with someone else's medication.

What is meant by the form of medication?

Form of medication can refer to any medications you are currently taking. It can also mean are you taking a pill or liquid type of the medication.