Falling in love is easy. You heart beats fast, you think about someone more than you realize, you want to share everything with them, you start thinking about the future, you're excited to hear their voice. Falling IN love just happens... it's chemistry, its Biology, it's neurons firing, and endorphins flowing... you cna fall in love with someone who's right for you.. or all wrong for you. Someone who will treat you well, or very poorly. Actually choosing to LOVE someone... well, that's different. You can't LOVE everyone you fall in love with. Real LOVE is a decision, not a feeling. That, my friend, is a harder question! The mere fact that your heart beats fast does not mean she is the one, it can be deceptive and misleading.Much emphasis should be laid on the heart.What goes on in your heart is what matters and not it's beating.Since the heart is a valuable organ in the human body,it takes the concerns of very important people to enter the hearts.after meating her for the first time ,her thought stays permanently in your heart and always has her welfare at heart.I mean someone you are prepare to die for no matter the circumstances.NB:This contribution applies only when the lady was modest in her dressing and not sexy-like because what any guy would think of in such an instance is to make love to you.
Love is a big thing. There are many types of love. For instance, you can love your pet, grandparents, sister, brother. If you know how that feels, its safe and secure. But, when you finally meet someone, you know from experience that this type of feeling is exciting, new and fun. You cant stop thinking about this person, you get excited everytime there near, you litterly feel like you are walking on cloud 9. At the same time, your heart and mind are telling you that its right. If you are young, dont get your hopes to high about in love. Love really takes its toll and lets you know its right.
well first you need to know the definition of infatuated. infatuated: –verb (used with object) 1. to inspire or possess with a foolish or unreasoning passion, as of love. 2. to affect with folly; make foolish or fatuous synonyms: enamored, smitten ,... therefore, you know your infatuated with someone if you cant seem to understand why you love someone so much, but you love them undeniably.
How to tell if you are in love? Only one person can answer that question & that person is you, but I will tell how it feels like to be in love, from what I have experienced. First, he will make you smile by doing just the simplest things like, saying your name, seeing his smile, or just by by simply seeing him. Second, he will be the first thing on your mind when you wake up to when you close your eyes at night. Third, you will feel like your heart skips a beat when he touches your hand or kisses you. Fourth, he will drop everything if you ask him to, he will be your best friend & your lover at the same time & he won't care if you look horrible in the morning, he will still tell you, you look beautiful & mean it. And last but not least he will tell you he loves you almost everyday & he will treat you like your the only girl who matters, you are his queen. I hope I have helped you, & I hope this guy makes you feel everything I said here & more. :)
When you feel like you can't love anyone else like that person. So, if you are "in love" like you say, you would not have any feelings for any other guy/girl.
You feel like its forever when they hold you, You will know when you have, if you've had some past relationships without "love"
first, you have to know the personality of that girl. for you to know if she's really inlove. or you could simply ask her. ;) -samishiyoru
if she and the fan is truly inlove...yes...
No, don't you know that Amy is inlove with sonic?
Its all your call if he shows it enough that you realize then there you go
If a person was in love with you then this is what they would probably do: 1: Tell you 2: Always gazes at you 3: Acts like your the only person in the world that matters to them. 4: Cant live without you
because hes inlove with molly but shes in love with charlie and charlies inlove with her
You are madly inlove with your boyfriend, head-over-heels inlove
of course. You can love your parents, friends, grandparents, etc, with out being INlove with them. You can love a boyfriend/girlfriend with out being INlove. INlove is a much deeper kind of love that you only find a couple times in your life, if you're lucky. So, the answer is yes. You can love with out being inlove.
i love you
i dont know but i time im ful inlove with syrian boy and i really love that boy