you can write it for them and if they are capable have them sign it or you sign it with an explanation
"I would like to lodge a complaint regarding the significant lack of features on"
We went to the lodge for our family vacation. Will your father be attending the lodge meeting (?) There's duct-tape everywhere in Possum Lodge... The bullet appeared to lodge between the bone and the flesh of the thigh. Would you be able to lodge us for the night? We lodged a complaint with the authorities.
You need to file a complaint with the Federal Trades Commission, The Attorney General and I would also file a compliant with the Better Business B.
If there was actual fraud involved, then report it to the police. If she just said she'd marry you and then changed her mind (and didn't take things from you under false pretenses), you can't really "lodge a complaint" about that, and being the kind of person who would even consider doing it means she made the right decision.
The correct placement would be "Plaintiffs' Complaint" to indicate that the complaint belongs to multiple plaintiffs.
Well if you are unsure about this then you have NO PLACE WHATSOEVER in advising them at all. It is the blind leading the blind.
Coaching is the ability to support and assist a client in defining, setting and attaining measurable goals that the client has created, within a set period of time through powerful questioning, so that they may reach their Highest Potential.
In Britain, a Lodge is a small country home with only a few rooms, the equivalent of what would be a cabin or cottage in North America or a dacha in Russia. If you have one of these in Suffolk, it would be a Suffolk Lodge. Or, Lodge is the name of a group of Freemasons, so Suffolk Lodge could be (and in fact is) the name of one such group. Or, Lodge is often used to describe a home for the elderly or infirm, so one of these might be called Suffolk Lodge.
"If you are having a negative experience with your Apple product, it is best to call the company and ask to speak to a supervisor or manager, wherein you can either lodge your complaint or ask where the appropriate place to do so would be."
The answer is in your question "given by a client" - that means from the client.
When a client has left sided weakness, you should dress them on their weaker side first. In this case, you would put the sweater on their left side first before moving to the right side, allowing them to assist with their stronger side as needed.
Client records would show the medicines that the client was taking and health issues. This would prevent prescribing a medicine that the client was allergic to.