One of the more reliable ways to grow chest hair is to increase your testosterone levels, an option that needs to be discussed with one's doctor. Another weird method one can try is rubbing a cut onion on one's chest, which works because the sulfur in the onion stimulates hair growth.
One of the fastest ways for someone to remove their chest hair is to have their chest waxed or either to wax their chest themselves. Chest hair removal can be quite painful.
Yes, hair will grow back if shaved off. If it didn't, no one would have a beard or mustache.
Hair grows back one way or another. Skin cells in the head will produce the material which sprouts out as hair. If the scalp was burnt and it was scarred your hair may not grow back though. The hair follicles would have been damaged. But if your hair just got burnt it will grow back.
Down is the soft undercoat of feathers on a bird - especially the covering of a baby bird. When a young man first begins to grow hair on his body (beard, pubic hair, chest hair, underarm hair) it comes in the same texture as the head on the hair - soft and straight, like down. Thus a "down-bearded" man would be a very young one.
It's not possible to grow your hair in one day. You would have to use some sort of fake hair.
it takes between one and two months to grow a inch of hair and the longer your hair gets it grows a little slower so your hair would probably take a little more than two years to grow out a foot.
In reality it doesn't grow back "thicker" but it looks this way. The hair on your body grows in cycles - it will grow and when it reaches a certain length will fall out and begin to grow again from the follicle. At any one time you will have all the different cycles on hairs on your chest - some will be long, some will be short and growing, and some will not be there because they have just fallen out. When you shave your hair, it is then all the same length (there will be no long ones and short ones) and will grow back at the same time and therefore LOOK thicker.
One can find information on how to make their hair grow faster in the following sites; growhairguru/how to make hair grow faster tips, channel4/hairstyles/hair, and steadyhealth.
You cannot grow your hair in one minute. What you can do is get hair extensions applied which will take a couple of hours.
no there is not, one can try hair loss treatments to help make hair grow...
hair can grow unevenly due to sleeping on only one side of your head. ...if you normally wake up on your right side, your hair doesnt grow.
Jillian is Latin for "Down-Bearded Youth", down is the soft undercoat of feathers on a bird - especially the covering of a baby bird. When a young man first begins to grow hair on his body (beard, pubic hair, chest hair, underarm hair) it comes in the same texture as the head on the hair - soft and straight, like down. Thus a "down-bearded" man would be a very young one.