If you have a cold then it is natural to not be able to smell anything for a while but if you can't smell anything and you are healthy then i would get checked out by a doctor.
No, you shouldn't be worried.
this is not good @ all
This is my personal answer. I am agnostic but I do not believe that their are any risks with the number or anything..
You should not be worried
Id get that checked out. Id be worried as all hell if anything was on my johnson!
No, you should not be worried. It is fine.
It depends on the situation. If she knows him, then you shouldn't be worried unless he attempts to do anything illegal.
Does the friend has the history of stealing. If he does then you should be worried, but if he does not you should not be worried. But to be safe, you can keep you stuff on safe place to avoid excuses.
Finding that a part of you body has gone numb is a condition that you should talk to a qualified medical doctor about.
anything which cannot be express in monetary terms
Yes, you should be worried if it was not caused by mosquitoes or falliing.
You cannot get it anymore. Its the rarest item on club penguin. You should have been playing in 2005 :P