Same as 1 or 10. The risk for complications increase with every medical or surgical procedure you have but that does not mean you will get complications any of the times or you can get it the first. It's the same as with childbirth or any other procedure done. Abortion is considered a safe procedure but as with all procedures there are risks. If you don't get any complications the body will heal and go back to normal. I had seven miscarriages and had to be scraped afterwards, same method as abortion, and my body had no problem getting pregnant again and have 2 kids. I could've been unlucky and got complications the first time I was scraped or after the first birth, serious enough to never get pregnant again, but I was not.
You wont have a child, that's all. It does not affect future pregnancies or fertility.
Physically it's like having a miscarriage. Then it goes back to normal. Emotionally it can be a roller coaster depending on the person. Sadness, relief, regret, happiness, it all differs.
It can.
All races have abortions.
what do you mean by "missed" abortions?
Yes, illegal aliens have abortions as well.
Dayglo Abortions was created in 1979.
Yes it takes about 2-4 weeks to heal.
Obama is pro-choice and thinks the decision is up to the woman to decide over her own body.
I wish it was never necessary and no children was unwanted and I support her choice to decide what to do with her body within the limit of viability.
Just from what I have read and heard from doctors that I have worked with in the past, yes it can affect your chances of becoming pregnant because each proceedure can cause scarring of the uterine lining.
Medical abortions are brought about by taking medications that end the pregnancy