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Well you usually dress how you want to (Naked or a bathing suit on). next put on some tanning lotion, usually the kinds for indoor tanning beds, Next get into the bed. Sometimes they just start automatically. Or you have to push the start button. After you are all done with tanning, The bed should shut off automatcally. The get out and get dressed.

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Q: How to use a tanning bed?
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Related questions

Should you unplug a tanning bed when not in use?

yes , its advisable to unplug a tanning bed when not in use.

How can I safely use a tanning bed?

Getting a safe tan from a tanning bed may be somewhat of an oxymoron. However, if you are determined to use a tanning bed, limit your time in the tanning bed and ensure your salon follows FDA regulations.

What can you use to protect your eyes when using a tanning bed?

You can use protective goggles or eye shields when using a tanning bed.

What age do you have to be to tan in a tanning bed?

You must be over the age of 18 to use a tanning bed in England.

Can you get scabies from a tanning bed?

Yes you can get scabies from a tanning bed. Tanning beds are very dangerous and you can get many diseases from them. People shouldn't use tanning beds anymore. I know that I will never use a tanning bed, because I know the consequences of it. You can also get skin cancer and eye damage from it.

Is it better to use a tanning bed daily with a short stay time or semiweekly with a long stay time?

It is better to use a tanning bed daily then semi weekly. You have a better change of burning the longer you stay in a tanning bed.

Should you used a tanning bed if you have an internal defibrillator?

You should never use a tanning bed. You'll get skin cancer.

Can you use a tanning bed if you had a back fusion?

no you should not use a tanning bed with a back fusion, as the burning on the skin with go inside your body which will make your back even badder than it is.

How much electricity does a tanning bed use?

Most tanning beds run about 100watts

What is the best tanning lotion that you can use without getting in the tanning bed?

sunshine tan

Has anyone ever died from a tanning bed?

The most likely way to die from the use of a tanning bed is to develop skin cancer.

Can you use banana boat dark tanning oil in a tanning bed?

One can use any lotion they want in a tanning bed including Banana Boat Dark Tanning Oil. It is recommended for the safety and prevention of skin cancer to use a lotion designed for tanning beds that have a high concentration of SPF.