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Try inserting an exactoknife into the ear canal and twist it until the ear wax falls right out.

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Q: How to remove ear wax?
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Why you shouldn't remove ear wax?

Ear wax helps to keep your external auditory meatus and your tympanic membrane soft and pliable. If you remove the ear wax, your ear drum could dry out and crack.

Is it safe to remove ear wax with hydrogen peroxide.?

It is generally safe to remove ear wax with hydrogen peroxide, as long as you follow proper instructions and do not have any underlying ear conditions. However, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before attempting to remove ear wax yourself.

Can persistent use of wax ear plugs cause ear problems?

If pieces of the wax break off and fall into the canal, surgery is needed to remove it. Yes it can.

Should you remove wax from ear?

yes because if there is too much wax in ur ear, u wont b able 2 hear properly and if it is in too deep, it can cause ear pain.

How do you get rid of ear wax without touching your ear or using a Q-tip?

You are correct to not want to use a Q-tip or your finger to try to remove ear wax build up other than on the outside parts of your ear. If you put things inside your ear, you can compact the wax and make it even harder to remove or push it against your ear drum which can cause damage to hearing. Q-tips can leave fibers in your ear that will make the wax also harder to remove. To properly remove wax build up from inside your ear, there are drops that you can put in your ear that help to soften and allow the wax to be irrigated to be removed. These kits are available at pharmacies, follow the directions on the package very carefully. If use of these does not remedy the problem, you may need to see a doctor for a professional ear irrigation.Do not "over clean" your ear canals. The wax is there for a purpose, and if you remove the normal amounts too frequently, you can leave yourself prone to ear infections. If the wax is not compacted and needing drops to clean it from your ears, clean only your external ears and let your body do the rest in its normal processes that keep your ears healthy.

How often should you remove the wax buildup in your ear canal?

as often as possible

What do you use to fix a ear infection that a puppy has?

you can mix wax and water and put it on the dogs ear for 2 hours then remove

Can you put a drop or two of rubbing alcohol in your ear to remove pool water after swimming?

Yes, to dry out your ears. Hydrogen peroxide (at the drug store),to remove ear wax.

What are the common causes of brown ear wax in dogs and how can it be safely removed?

Common causes of brown ear wax in dogs include ear infections, allergies, and excessive ear wax production. To safely remove brown ear wax in dogs, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment. They may recommend ear cleaning solutions or medications to address the underlying cause. Avoid using cotton swabs or other tools to clean the ears, as this can potentially damage the ear canal.

What is good for an earache for a toddler?

I have been told that a drop of olive oil is good for an ear ache, it will also help remove ear wax.

Are there different types of ear wax?

Yes, there are two main types of ear wax: wet and dry. Wet ear wax is yellow to brown in color and moist, while dry ear wax is grayish and flaky in texture. Genetics play a role in determining the type of ear wax a person has.

What is the brown wax in dogs ears?

A build up of ear wax. You should carefully remove it with a Q-tip dipped in EpiOtic (available at the Vet's office) or a dog ear cleaner from the pet store. Failure to keep your dog's ears clean and free from excess wax could lead to ear infections.