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Get a check up with your doctor. It could be caused by stress, illness. medication, depression or other reasons.

There are a number of natural foods that enhance the libido too like strawberries and chocolate.

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Q: How to cure low libido in women?
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How does Muira Puama alleviate low libido in women?

Muria Puama can alleviate low libido in women just by taking it and replacing the lost horomones that some women have lost. Many times it is not the low libido that cause women not to have sex it is all the cleaning and chores she has to do around the house that wears her out.

Why does a woman have no libido?

Women do have a libido!

What can enhance a women's libido?

There are no clinically proven foods to enhance a women's libido.

Why does your wife No Longer care for having any sex 53yrs?

Usually after menopause women's libido decreases, sometimes to very low levels.

Do women experience low libido after ablation surgery?

I did and still do. It's almost worse than the bleeding. Good thing I'm a good actress.

What is a low libido?

Libido is your sex drive, in other words, your desire to have sexual intercourse. If you have a low libido, it just means that you don't really care if you have sex or not. It is not a reflection on your sexuality, your manliness (or femininity); it simply means you aren't turned on all the time.

Is there a word for diminishing libido?

androgen for men and menopause for women.

What is the most effective libido enhancer for women?

A good lover (who is in love with her).

Are straight men with high libido more likely to engage in gay sex than straight men with low libido?

Libido levels do not determine sexual orientation. Sexual orientation is a complex and deeply rooted aspect of a person's identity that is not solely based on libido. Engaging in gay sex is a matter of sexual attraction and desire, which can vary among individuals regardless of their libido levels.

Is a man cheating if he has a low libido for you?

Low Libido means that there is low sexual desire or low sexual performance. Libido has no direct indication of fidelity or even attraction.Having diabetes; Low Testosterone, High Estrogen, thyroid problems, antidepressants and even Cholesterol meds, heart problem or other diseases can all cause low libido. If the person is depressed and on antidepressant medication this can also lower their libido. Even Anxiety, depression alone without medication can cause low libido.Since you obviously have had a sexual relationship then you should feel comfortable with opening up and discussing this problem with him. Make sure it is a conversation, not accusations or confrontation, there is a very real likelihood that he is having a hard time coping with some very scary issues for a man.Listen to what he has to say and don't always jump to conclusions that low libido (change in sex habits) means the person is cheating on you.Could be that he isn't stimulated by you anymore or is harboring resentment over changes in your relationship. Death in the family, adding a child, financial or job related probles can all kill libido.Low Libido can be physical, mental, societal, hormonal or relationship based. Confrontation is the worst approach.

How does the male libido differ from the female sex drive?

The male libido generally refers to the physical desire for sexual activity, driven by hormonal factors. In contrast, the female sex drive is influenced by a more complex interplay of emotional, psychological, and relational factors in addition to hormonal influences. Additionally, societal norms and cultural expectations can also impact how individuals experience and express their sex drive.

How do I know if I suffer from a low libido?

Decreased interest in initiating sex Few or no sexual fantasies or thoughts Difficulty achieving arousal