you can really be thin if you don't eat good food i mean healthy food, dear
Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies account for 25% of the total Girl Scout cookie sales.
The inside of a Thin Mint cookie is both chocolate and mint. Thin Mints are Girl Scout cookies. They are a thin peppermint chocolate wafer covered with a smooth chocolaty coating.
Sure- "That girl is so skinny that she's, like, paper thin!"Or'Stick thin' might be better to describe a person- "That girl is so skinny that she's, like, stick thin!"
A thin girl or boy runs fast because their weight is low to the gravitational pull
they shouldnit be that thin because if you are really thin they are chances for you to be getting a type of disease.
The girl was extremely thin.
thin mint
Yes, Girl Scout Thin Mints have changed over the years. The most recent change was to remove trans-fat from the ingredients.
cant be sure whether really there is such a thin....
She doesn't.
A girl wearing thongs that are not to thin
The fat man was very thick. The school girl was very thin do to anerexia.