There is no such thing as "brain capacity"
Paint it white.
the size of a grain.
No, humans do not use 100% of their brain capacity simultaneously. Different areas of the brain are active at different times depending on the task being performed. The popular myth that humans only use 10% of their brain is not supported by scientific evidence.
The computer has been improved by increasing its capacity to process and store data. This is by improving its CPU clock cycle and adding more memory.
Synaptic capacity refers to the maximum number of synaptic connections that can be formed between neurons in the brain. It is a measure of the brain's ability to adapt, learn, and store information. Increases in synaptic capacity are associated with learning and memory formation.
No power, just a brain function.
Many forms of puzzles, such as sudoku, crosswords and scrabble are useful for this. Reading many different types of book will also enable you to increase the capacity of your brain.
Undoubtedly the logic center. When people become skillful enough to start finishing Sudoku puzzles, they have a markedly improved logical deduction capacity for normal, everyday events. This is tremendously useful in discarding impossible remarks and theories.
No, the myth that animals only use a small percentage of their brain capacity is false. Different parts of an animal's brain are active during various tasks, and they utilize their entire brain for survival, movement, and cognitive functions.
Than what? They have a higher brain capacity than some animals but smaller than others.