Morquio Syndrome. An example of this is in Freak The Mighty and Kevin is only about 2 feet tall and his heart gets too big for his body.
No if someone grew that tall they must love water.
Tall Poppy Syndrome - album - was created in 2008-08.
A dwarf is someone who has a growth deficency, meaning they don't grow in hight as tall as the "norm".
I sware that is impossible to make someone grow!
By the time someone has reached the age of 35 growth has stopped.
It can grow up to 4 feet tall.
There is no way to predict the future, but you can estimate your final height by that of your relatives.
because he's a negro get it!...think about it for a second...spell it out... ask someone...when you get it it will be hilarious!
It depends. If you have the genes or your family is Tall, you might grow taller like them. I know that women's stop growing at the age of 18 and men at the age of 21:)
It can grow as tall as 50 feet
IT can grow 40 to 80 feet tall